A slightly dodgy start to the day again, meant I had to spend the morning working from the hotel once more, but after 3 Imodium and another couple of antibiotics I felt brave enough to venture in to the office for a few hours.
It was after all my second last day and Vivian and I still had the budget to do. Can’t believe tomorrow will be my last day in the office here in Zambia. I would have to say I will miss the people but sure as heck won’t miss the office itself!!
I have a lot to go over with Jedone and Gideon tomorrow – but particularly the new processes I have introduced for tracking expenditure, reconciliations, monthly reporting and off course the budget we have just about finished! (Tell you what it is the first time I have done a budget in half a day, will try and do the 4+8 forecast in the same timescale when I get back!)
Jedone was in the office for the first time in ages today – looking healthier than last time I saw him but decidedly thin! It felt almost strange talking to him as obviously we haven’t really had the opportunity to build up a relationship as I don’t think he has been well since I got here. Anyway, he should be in tomorrow so I can at least do a wrap up with him. Having said that I unearthed a form tonight that I was meant to fill in at the start of the assessment and agree objectives – oops!! I’ll be in trouble with AfID!! :-)
In truth I am not sure I have achieved everything I wanted to but then I guess I was coming in blind so not sure what I actually expected to achieve. I think I have moved them forward but I may never know for sure!! Not unless I come back and check up on them – and I will certainly leave them with that threat!! That said I have already told Vivian feel free to contact me if she needs to ask anything. If she does it when I am in the office I might be able to find someone who knows what they are talking about!! :-)
I was meant to be going out tonight for a few drinks with some of the people I have met since I got here, but decided it wasn’t a good idea under the circumstances. Might manage a quick one or two before I come back to pack tomorrow.
This is the last time I will be sitting typing away at the bar on this PC as I will become permanently detached from it tomorrow. I have grown rather fond of it so they may need to forcibly remove it from my grasp. And I just know it is going to miss me!!
I almost saw some Zambian firemen today – but didn’t quite get close enough to, what I think, was a fire truck. Mind you the state of the truck I wouldn’t give it good odds on getting to a fire without breaking down!!
BA are still driving me nuts. They promised to send me an e-mail detailing my changed itinery but haven’t and I can’t seem to get through to them here in Zambia today. At the moment they still seem to have me on two flights out of Zambia and one out of City. So somehow I need to fly out on the 20th and then come back and fly out on the 22nd!! I’ve been told I am meant to be on the one on the 22nd but...........!! I’m sure I will get home sometime, somehow!!! I know you are all dying to see me again!!!
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The 0+12 may have taken us less than 5 minutes to do, but the 4+8 will definitely not be a half day job I'm afraid - so don't think you are going to have a laid back time when you return to the office! Hope you enjoy your last few days in Zambia.